Title: A Monster Calls: A Novel (Movie Tie-in): Inspired by an Idea from Siobhan DowdIn "A Monster Calls: A Novel (Movie Tie-in)," readers embark on a poignant journey through the...
In "American Gods," Neil Gaiman crafts a mesmerizing narrative that seamlessly blends elements of fantasy, mythology, and Americana into an unforgettable journey. Set in a contemporary America where ancient deities...
"Axel & Beast" by Adrian C. Bott is a captivating collection of books that follows the adventures of Axel, a courageous hero, and Beast, his loyal companion. Set in a...
King Solomon's Mines (Readings Classics) H. Rider Haggard's King Solomon's Mines has entertained generations of readers since its first publication in 1885. Following a mysterious map of dubious reliability, a small group...
The Storyteller (The Reader Book 3) Sefia is determined to keep Archer out of the Guard's clutches and their plans for war between the Five Kingdoms. The Book, the ancient, infinite...